
“…bear fruit in every good work, grow in the knowledge of God, be strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and give joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kindom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forigveness of sins.”

Colossians 1:10-14 NIV


Our mission is to empower our clients to achieve their goals through a deep understanding of their unique situations, proactive navigation of risks, thorough development of options, and excellence in legal advocacy.

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland


Our professionals cater to our clients’ needs and offer advice after listening, understanding, and assessing their key priorities and concerns.

Alexander Keely, JD MSIT

Technologist & Lawyer


Alex Keely has led information security programs for the past 16 years, helping secure the most sensitive and confidential information for clients in the private and public sectors. Alex is passionate about the law, civil liberties, and supporting access to justice for the poor and middle class. He has extensive experience leading and designing government and enterprise security and automation solutions and executing implementations that maximize business efficiency while maintaining secure operations.

After completing his Master’s thesis and research on insider threat detection effectiveness from APU, he went on to study at Purdue Law, where he is currently completing his Juris Doctor (JD), having earned multiple awards for excellence in legal scholarship including the CALI award for the highest grade earned twenty-two times in various subjects from Criminal Law, Cyber Law, Constitutional Law, Advanced Legal Analysis – Litigation, Corporations Law, Evidence, Contracts, Torts, Remedies, Estates Wills and Trusts, and Family Law.

Alex volunteered for over 10 years as a firefighter paramedic and is the son of U.S. Marines. His parents and stepparents dedicated their lives to serving the Armed Forces and America for decades. He grew up in the suburbs of Washington, DC. He loves playing strategy games like chess and RTS computer games with his children, family, and friends. He lives in Chambersburg, PA, with his dear wife, Jordan, and five lovely children.

Professional Connections and Profile: LinkedIn


  • Doctor of Law (JD): Cyber, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Law Specializations with Highest Honors, Purdue Global Law School
  • Master of Science (MS) in Information Technology: Information Security and Assurance with Highest Honors, American Public University
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Studies, Dickinson College
  • High School Diploma, Mercersburg Academy

Honors and Awards

  • Twenty-two-time CALI Award Winner, Highest Course Grade Earned, Purdue Law (CALI Info)
  • Distinguished Scholar Awards, Highest Term GPA, Purdue Law
  • Order of the Sword and Shield, American Homeland Security Honor Society Member
  • Epsilon Pi Tau International Technology Honor Society Member
  • Two-time All-American Swimmer (NCAA) – Mercersburg
  • Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America

Bar Membership

  • Pending 2025


  • Certified Information Systems and Security Professional (CISSP), ISC2
  • Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI
  • Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO), EC-Council
  • Agile Certified Professional, ICAgile
  • Advanced Legal Research, Thomson Reuters
  • Network+, CompTIA


  • Assembly of God Church, Chambersburg, PA
  • Paramedic Firefighter II, Germantown Volunteer Fire Department, Germantown, MD